Blogaholic Designs”=

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Summer Wreath!

I cannot believe I made this all by myself :-)  I am so pleased with it and it looks great on our kitchen Plantation Shutters.

First, I wrapped a styrafoam wreath with twine using hot glue.  Then I followed the steps at Delightful Order blog on how to make my own fabric flowers...  Here is the link:

I cannot wait to make one of these for every season! :-)  Happy Summer <3!


Kelli said...

WOW!!! It looks so good. You have skills mama.

Sunshine and Lavender said...

I love it! You did a great job!

shannon said...

Girl u r downplaying ur craftyness! I so want one of those! Summer would b jealous:)

Farrah and Keith said...

Thanks guys! And my sister just taught me how to make the rosettes, so now I am fabric happy for awhile ;)