Blogaholic Designs”=

Thursday, January 19, 2012

HomeMade Sensory Items for Kam

The boys have started their new daycare and while Ky is loving it, Kam has had a hard transition.  The daycare has already moved him to a new class after the first unsuccessful week.  The new class has only one teacher and half the number of children that the other class had - A much better fit for him.  I have been very pleased with their proactive approach to helping Kam out.
 This is a Picture Schedule I made for Kam due to him having a melt down every single morning because he wanted both mom and dad to take him to daycare.  This was effective the very first time we used it.  Yay for no more melt downs.
 This is a 'Lap Buddy' I made out of tube socks and a variety of sensory materials.  This one has 2 tube socks, wrong side out.  Each part is made out of a different texture and the whole thing weighs about 3 pounds.  The purpose of this is to put in his lap when he is asked to sit at a chair or at the carpet.  It is just a constant reminder for him to sit and gives him something to do with his hands as well.  Inside I put beans, macaroni, rice, and pillow stuffing.  I resisted the urge to bling it out b/c I didn't want it to be a distraction for all the other kiddos (and he is a boy).
 This one is a fidget toy and was fun to make.  Again, another tube sock.  I glued fidget items on there for texture/sensory needs and a strip of velcro.  I also tapered the ends to be 'taggie-like' for him.
This one is a shaker toy that I filled with water, food coloring, glitter, liquid soap, and the letters of his name (beads).  This has been his favorite one so far.  It has really helped him learn his letters so I might have to think about making these in Kindergarten as well ;).


DPS said...

I love them! Leave it to you to figure out what he needs and to make it so cute!